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Competitive Swim Lessons
Russ' background includes 35 years of coaching and almost 50 years of competing. Those years include several coach of the year awards, an outstanding contribution award, a Masters world record and a couple of Masters All-American awards.
We do offer lessons that focus on the competitive skills but competitive lessons don't need to follow our traditional lesson outline (once a week for 30 minutes with 4 kids in a class). We've had competitive swimmers that came twice a month for a 30 minute private. We've had competitive swimmers that came once a month for 45 minutes.
There have been questions about how does one correct strokes in our small pool. The answer is quite simple - we don't need to see more than a few strokes to see what needs to be corrected. Actually swimming 25 yards each time wastes a fair amount of time. We've had high school kids and adult take lessons in our pool and improve significantly.
Send us your swimmers information and stroke work needs and we'll see what we can set up for you.
Members of the National Champion Colorado Masters (Russ is second from right)
Russ with his ROCK Swimming
kids on a trip to Arizona